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Monaco E-Prix: A masterclass of teamwork execution

Terrific teamwork and a pinch of luck saw the Jaguar team bring home the best result they could have asked for.

Teamwork from Both DS Penske and Jaguar 

It was a race that was planned to perfection for the Jaguar team. Evans had looked set for the win from the first session, the only thing preventing a perfect weekend for the New Zealander was a mistake in qualifying. After taking the lead from Vandoorne, the teamwork between the two Jaguar drivers allowed them to both pull out gaps whilst the other took their Attack mode. After they had both used up their attack mode, Cassidy was informed to hold position. A call that ultimately allowed the team to take 1-2 here in Monaco. The win for Evans means he becomes the 8th different winner in 9 races.

"We executed to perfection" - Mitch Evans

Mitch Evans and Nick Cassidy celebrate their 1-2 finish in Monaco 2024 - Photo by Ben Morrison
Mitch Evans and Nick Cassidy celebrate their 1-2 finish in Monaco 2024 - Photo by Ben Morrison

DS Penske wasn’t shy of some solid teamwork either, keeping the gap between them stable and using the energy to keep on the back of the Jaguars, allowing them to maintain their P3 for Vandoorne and P4 for Jean-Eric Vergne. 

Andretti’s bad luck 

If the two Andretti's didn’t have bad luck they would have no luck at all here in Monaco. After a solid weekend out in Misano, with two podiums for Dennis, allowing him to take the joint lead in the championship. Things were looking up for the team. After a poor qualifying from both Dennis and Nato the pair started 18th and 21st respectively. 

Norman Nato missing his front win during Monaco 2024 - Photo by Ben Morrison
Norman Nato missing his front win during Monaco 2024 - Photo by Ben Morrison

Both drivers sustained front wing damage at different points in the race meaning they had to make a stop and drop to the back. A safety car allowed Nato to make his way up the grid and finish in P10. It was a different story for Dennis who had an incident later in the race which meant he couldn’t make the same progress his teammate could. The race ended with Nato in P10 and Dennis in P20 - meaning the gap to Wehrlein, finishing P5, has now been extended by 13 points.

Taylor Barnard's Formula E debut 

The youngest Formula E driver and super-sub had a weekend that he will look back on with great pride. Despite being rushed into the car, after the unfortunate crash for Sam Bird leaving him with a broken hand, the young Brit managed to keep it clean in qualifying and the race.

Taylor Barnard climbing out of his car after debuting in Monaco - Photo by Ben Morrison
Taylor Barnard climbing out of his car after debuting in Monaco - Photo by Ben Morrison

He managed to get away well and cleanly at the start of the race and throughout allowing him to capitalise on the mistakes of others and make his way up the grid. He finished the race in P14, ahead of McLaren teammate Hughes, who was dealt a 5s penalty for colliding with Mueller at Rascasse. 

More bad luck for Da Costa 

Da Costa was looking for a good result here in Monaco, after his disqualification in Misano just two weeks ago. He started 7th on the grid and made up some positions in the first couple of laps. However, after getting caught up in an incident between Buemi and Ticktum at Fairmont hairpin, it meant the Portuguese driver had it all to do again after dropping towards the rear of the grid. He managed to salvage his race and finish P7, but he will be looking towards Berlin for another opportunity to execute a clean weekend.

Da Costa hits the back of Buemi at the Fairmont hairpin in Monaco - Photo by Ben Morrison
Da Costa hits the back of Buemi at the Fairmont hairpin in Monaco - Photo by Ben Morrison

Championship change

As previously mentioned, Wehrlein has now extended his lead at the front of the standings. After a superb qualifying, the Porsche driver was looking like he could possibly give himself a bigger margin. However, due to an unfortunately timed safety car he was not able to make back the positions he had lost by opting for an early attack mode. The German driver will be looking to extend that gap for his home race in rounds 9 and 10 in Berlin.

Pascal Wehrlein racing in Monaco 2024 - Photo by Ben Morrison
Pascal Wehrlein racing in Monaco 2024 - Photo by Ben Morrison

Top 10 Finishing Order


Driver Name


Mitch Evans


Nick Cassidy


Stoffel Vandoorne


Jean-Eric Vergne


Pascal Wehrlein


Oliver Rowland


Antonio Felix da Costa


Sacha Fenestraz


Maximillian Gunther


Norman Nato

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